Workforce Training Dashboard
This Workforce Training Dashboard showcases community-based training programs in and near Ramsey County. Please connect with these providers for more information.
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Showing 112 Results

MSP TechHire training partners prepare students through accelerated training boot camps or online training to become service/help desk, desktop support,...
Annie Byrne, MSP TechHire Annie Byrne • MSP TechHire

Earn up to 3 Industry Recognized Credentials - IT Fundamentals+, CompTIA Network+ & IT Security+ - through adult IT classes offered...
Ryan Howard, Neighborhood House Ryan Howard • Neighborhood House

September 12-June 5Thursdays, online 1:30-3:00 PM. Online only.

Apprentice and Manufacturing Ready Free Construction Training at KOMAMR 8-week Intro to TradesDates: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 12:30pmLocation: Roseville...
Sarah Shapiro, Karen Organization of Minnesota Sarah Shapiro • Karen Organization of Minnesota
Construction, Manufacturing, Construction-CBO

DRIVE YOUR CAREER! Get started with ten weeks of hands-on training that includes job placement assistance!Hands-on shop training in our 5,600 sq...
Sandy Brady, Goodwill Easter Seals MN Sandy Brady • Goodwill Easter Seals MN

The Building Strong Communities program is an multi-trade apprenticeship preparatory program that will prepare you for a career in the...
Rick Martagon, Building Strong Communites Rick Martagon • Building Strong Communites
Construction, Construction-CBO

Jumpstart your office career today! Get started with 10 weeks of online training that includes job placement assistance!Train for positions...
Sandy Brady, Goodwill Easter Seals MN Sandy Brady • Goodwill Easter Seals MN

CLUES Career Training workshops are perfect for anyone looking to get certified or advance their career, whether starting out in...
Luis Michel, CLUES Luis Michel • CLUES

3 weeks, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays1:30pm-3:00pm, online via TeamsLearn how to provide comprehensive case management services to individuals who need...
Takoda, Takoda Takoda • Takoda
Healthcare, Human Services

Learn how to be successful in any cashiering job. To qualify for Cashier Skills job training, you must: Be born outside...
Lynn Thompson, International Institute of MN Lynn Thompson • International Institute of MN
Hospitality, Retail

Commercial Driver's License (CDL) ClassPractice General Knowledge CDL test 67 questions. Gives the answer after each question and a summary at...
Hubbs Center, Saint Paul Public Schools Hubbs Center • Saint Paul Public Schools
Transportation, Construction, Construction-CBO

The Minnesota Departments of Transportation (MnDOT) offers free highway construction training for Indigenous people, Black people, people of color, women,...
Sylvia C. Garcia, MnDOT Sylvia C. Garcia • MnDOT

HAP’s CNA class teaches students about the role and how to help patients with healthcare needs under the supervision of...
Partnered with Community Colleges and Universities, Hmong American Partnership Partnered with Community Colleges and Universities • Hmong American Partnership

Are you interested in working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)?Want a stable, enjoyable, and in-demand career?Act as a nurse's...

The CDA Training Program is a FREE (no-cost) training that has a PAID work experience opportunity as we